List of Acronyms ABE Alternative Basic Education ACHPR African Charter on Human and Peoples‟ Rights AfCHPR African Commission on Human and Peoples‟ Rights ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms ARMs Annual Review Meetings ART Anti-Retroviral Treatment AU African Union BPR Business Process Re-engineering COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CSA Central Statistical Agency DRM Disaster Risk Management ECCE Early Childhood Care and Education ERCA Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority FAL Functional Adult Literacy FBO Faith- Based Organizations GBV Gender Based Violence FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia FEACC Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission FGM Female Genital Mutilation F/MoH Federal / Ministry of Health GTP Growth and Transformation Plan IGAD Inter-Governmental Authority for Development HC Health Centers HEW Health Extension Workers HoF House of Federation HP Health Posts HPR House of Peoples Representatives‟ HSDP Health Sector Development Program HTC HIV Testing and Counseling HTPs Harmful Traditional Practices 3

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