2 right to participate directly in the decision-making process via basic people's congresses with no parliamentarians or representatives. People's committees selected from these congresses undertake to carry out decisions made. The Report indicated that the right to expression and opinion shall be secure for all citizens with no objection or opposition thereto, and that the basic people's congresses are but the political frame for constructive and instrumental dialogue in putting forward issues and problems relating to all segments of the society who are the members of these conventions. As for the right to movement and residence, it shall be guaranteed for all sons of the Mass society in concert with principles of international Law. Concerning the right to equality, the Report underlined this issue in terms of equality before the Law and as regards public positions and functions for men and women, whereas concerning the right to prosecution, it was referred to, similar to the other rights, in accordance with the Great Jamhiriya's commitments.

Select target paragraph3