NEPAD/HGSIC-3-2003/APRM/Guideline/O&P 9 March 2003 e. Persuade development partners to support the recommendations approved by the APR Forum by providing technical and financial assistance; f. Transmit APRM Reports to the appropriate African Union (AU) structures in a timely manner; g. Make public, through the APR Secretariat, country review reports and press releases pertaining thereto; h. Establish and approve the rules of procedure for the APR Forum and approve those of the APR Panel; i. Approve a Code of Conduct for all components of the APRM organisation; and j. Ensure that the APR process is fully funded by the participating countries (including non-governmental partners). 3 The Panel of Eminent Persons (APR Panel) 3.1 The APR Panel shall have the following mandate: a. Exercise oversight of the APR process with a view to ensuring the independence, professionalism, and credibility of the process; b. Oversee the selection of the APR Teams and appoint them to conduct country reviews; c. Recommend appropriate African institutions or individuals to conduct technical assessments; d. Meet when required to review and make objective assessments of and recommendations on the country review reports submitted to it by the APR Secretariat; e. Consider recommendations contained in the country review reports and make recommendations to the APR Forum; f. Submit to the APR Forum all country review reports with recommendations on measures that could be taken to assist the country Page 3 of 17

Select target paragraph3