NEPAD/HSGIC/03-2003/APRM/MOU 09 March 2003 6. RECOGNISING that the mandate of the African Peer Review Mechanism is to encourage participating States in ensuring that the policies and practices of participating States conform to the agreed political, economic and corporate governance values, codes and standards, and achieve mutually agreed objectives in socio-economic development contained in the Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance; 7. RECOGNISING FURTHER that the African Peer Review Mechanism is a mutually agreed instrument voluntarily acceded to by the Member States of the African Union as an African self-monitoring mechanism; 8. MINDFUL that the primary purpose of the African Peer Review Mechanism is to foster the adoption of policies, standards and practices that lead to political stability, high economic growth, sustainable development and accelerated sub-regional and continental economic integration through sharing of experiences and reinforcement of successful and best practice, including identifying deficiencies, and assessing the needs for capacity building of participating countries; 9. NOTING WITH APPRECIATION the support of the international community especially as expressed in the United Nations General Assembly Declaration (A/RES/57/2) and Resolution on the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (A/RES/57/7) affirming the United Nations system’s support to the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development and recommending that the New Partnership for Africa’s Development be used as the framework for Africa’s development by the international community, including the United Nations system and Page 2 of 7

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