Preamble The Member States of the African Union, REITERATING our commitment to the fundamental principles and objectives of the African Union, as enshrined in the Constitutive Act, the founding instrument of the African Union and comprising, inter alia, the promotion of democratic principles and institutions, popular participation, good governance, human and peoples’ rights; the promotion of peace, security and stability on the continent; and the acceleration of the political and socio-economic integration of Africa; COGNISANT that the principles and objectives of the African Peer Review Mechanism [APRM], are themselves intrinsic to the afore-mentioned principles and objectives of the African Union; RECALLING that at the Inaugural Session of the Assembly of the African Union held in July, 2002, in Durban, South Africa, we adopted a Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance, in which we articulated the same said principles and objectives of the APRM, as well as declared that the AU Member States had “separately agreed to establish” the APRM on the basis of voluntary accession; RECALLING the Declaration on the Implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Ass/AU/Decl.1 (I), that was adopted by the Inaugural Session of the Assembly of the African Union held in July, 2002, in Durban, South Africa, in which it reiterated its commitment to the Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance and encouraged all Member States of the African Union to accede to the Mechanism; INSPIRED by the vision of the APRM as an African-owned and African-led platform for self-assessment, peer-learning, and experience-sharing in the pursuit of the highest possible standards of good political, economic and Statute of the African Peer Review Mechanism, August 2016V11082016 1

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